Are promises really made to be broken? Whenever someone broke a promise to me I felt hurt, betrayed, disappointed, sad. From the start that it was made, in the back of my mind, somehow there’s doubt that it will be kept. But why do I still chose to believe?
1. I give my complete trust to a person. For me trust is something earned and not freely given (well unless you’re planning to have a family planning our government is giving free Trust... condom... daaa?!... hehehe) so better not to break that trust or I won’t believe anything you’ll say in the future.
2. I have faith to the person who made it and that he/she will comply by he/she said and knows how to keep it.
3. I value the person and the relationship I have with that person (especially friends, since I’m choosy of friends and those I have I keep). But I most certainly would not let you off the hook that easily.
4. It makes me want to know if I’m as important to them as they are to me. If you are really being valued as a person and as a friend they wouldn’t want you to feel hurt and disappointed, would they?
So remember, never let a person down coz it sure is not a good experience and feeling.
And pleeaasssee... don’t you piss me off by broken promises... you know I’m not the quiet type who will hold her tongue and let everything slide. I always speak my mind out coz it makes me feel better afterwards.
But be it a friend, love ones, or not, just be mindful of fulfilling your promises coz we are also judge by putting our words into action.
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